10 April 2006

Saw something in a magazine today about SNAGs (Sensitive New Age Guys).

I have a version - SNADs (Sensitive New Age Dykes).

Seriously, I think both are a hoax. At least in the case of SNAGs. SNADs, on the other hands, do exist, but exist on a different plane from regular people, and are called by a different name. They're called WITCHES.

I just don't buy all this "oh-I'm-sensitive-cos-I-cry-alot" or "oh-look-at-me-I'm-buying-aromatherapy-shit" from guys. Guys will be guys, no matter how sensitive they are, or how much they cry or want to kill themselves. There are only two reasons a person is sensitive, either in order to get what he/she wants, OR, cos he/she is just a weak little gimp who can't accept that life is the way it is. BAD. Get used to it! PFfft!

Now, people who don't show their sensitive sides so easily - gimme that ANY day. Someone who keeps his/her soft underbelly hidden from the world for fear of unnecessary injury (and only eventually showing it to those who matter) is a much more honorable person in my books than someone who constantly flashes his/her underbelly, whining constantly about how it needs to be stroked regularly.

Personally, for me, I have my moments. When I get really bothered and upset by stuff. Especially if it's things beyond my control. But I try to talk about it to close friends, and eventually I get it out of my system. Or I write about it. Or I do other stuff. The point is, deal with it. Or move on, if you can't. Don't go around telling others that you're the "Walking Wounded" like we're supposed to pander to your whims just cos you can't take a joke.

I have my double standards however. If a girl were to be such a SNAD or SNAGirl, I'd readily pander to her (depending on how high up my Buddy list she's on - the higher the more willing I am). But not a guy. My belief is, if men want to run the world, then they'd better clean up their act and start behaving like He-Men rather than emotional retards.

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