So this morning I sent a friend an SMS that was my thought for the moment-
"I think the only time we will ever be truly at peace and have unparalleled happiness is on the day we die.."
Morbid, yes I know. Pessimistic even - but the reality is there. Think about it; we came into this world alone and out of darkness, and we must also leave this world alone and back into darkness.
Anyway yeah, not a very good thought process for the start of a new day.
Back to the real world now.
Big bad boy D.Rubin will be dragged kicking and screaming into National Service on the 25 of this month. He's probably also going to do a little disappearing act on us all for awhile, he needs to do some real artwork. Mind you, this was something that I'd wanted to do a couple of months ago, but decided against it for fear of hurting some people. But i need to WRITE, goddammit!!!And everyone is so distracting!
Big Bad Boy Rubin
We won't miss the fact that you will be sweating your balls off in Tekong, but we will miss you and your sense of SICK humour, plus your truckload of patience for us idiots.
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