The Morning After

16 November 2005

I like writing in this blog - especially when i have a surge of ideas and emotions that just need to be told. But recent events as well as some light discussion with a friend on blogging these days has made me realise a few things:-
1.I'm really wasting my effort just writing about my opinions and emotions here- time for more constructive stuff like reviews and interesting things happening around me (like the day I saw a cowboy hat on top of a VW Beetle on my way to work..)
2.Too many people are blogging these days - not enough people are writing down their thoughts on paper - even 'zines have become electronic - its just all too easy, and slowly becoming passe for me.
3.Alot of bloggers seem more like ego masturbators - they put up an opinion and hope someone will leave a comment that will agree with them so they can go out and say "See? 4 people agree with what I say!"(ok ok I'm being a bit of a hypocrite here by saying this, but what the hell!!)
4.Blogs cause alot of strife, especially if a person is not careful with what he/she says in them. Sometimes there are the occasional readers who will use the contents of blogs to add weight to their distorted sense of reality.

I could very well say I no longer feel like blogging (for the above reasons), but like every good literary athlete, I need my practice, and blogging is one good way of doing so.

Oh crap...I have to work in the morning.. will have a movie review ready by Monday (though I still have yet to do one on "Saving Face".).

Until then - (.)

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